Customizing your fonts

Supertape offers a set of hand-curated, open-source fonts that offer a wide range of styles.

Font settings

There are two main font settings for your design:

  • Header font - Typically applies to navigation and header or title elements. More expressive fonts like Anton or Bagnard (called Display fonts) work well.

  • Body font - Typically applies to body text and smaller captions. More readable fonts like Inter or Source Serif Pro (Serif and Sans-serif) work well.

Editing a font

  1. Visit the Design section of the app and select Edit.

  2. In the Fonts section, select your current font to open the menu.

  3. Select different fonts to preview them in the editor.

  4. Preview your fonts on any page of your design.

  5. Once finished making changes, Publish your new design.

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