Creating a new site

  1. Select your avatar in the top left and then Switch site.
  2. Select New in the top right.
  3. Follow the step-by-step instructions to create your site.
If you don’t already have a site, you’ll be prompted to create one when you sign in.

Switching between sites

  1. Select your avatar in the top left and then Switch site.
  2. Select the site you want to use, or create a New site.
  3. You’ll be switched to the selected site until you switch again.

Editing your profile

  1. Select your avatar in the top left and then User profile.
  2. Select Edit in the top right.
  3. Edit your name, email, or appearance (light and dark mode) and Save.
The system appearance will automatically match your device’s appearance.

Signing out

  1. Select your avatar in the top left and then Sign out.
  2. Review the devices you’re currently signed into.
  3. Select a specific session to sign out of, or select All to sign out everywhere.
Always sign out after using a shared or public device.

Deleting your profile

  1. Select your avatar in the top left and then User profile.
  2. Select Edit in the top right and then Delete at the bottom.
  3. Confirm your email and select Delete.

If you’re the owner of any sites, you’ll need to transfer ownership to someone else, or delete those sites, before you can delete your profile.

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