Understanding syncing

As an artist, you’ve already done the work to get all of your stuff onto the necessary platforms, so instead of making you add them again on your website, Supertape automatically syncs them for you.

Syncing vocabulary

To help you understand how our syncing works, we’re going to use a few general terms:

  • Sync - means Supertape collecting data from a connected platform and adding items to your inventory.

  • Item - means any album, product, video, or event on a platform or in your inventory.

  • Metadata - means the information about an item, like name, description, or image.

How syncing works

Once you connect a platform, we’ll do a sync right away to import everything from that platform. For each item we find, we’ll check to see if it already exists in your inventory, or if we need to create it.

After that, we’ll continue to do a daily sync of your connected platform, to pull in any new items you release, and remove ones that no longer exist.

We’ll send you an email notification any time we find something new, so that you’re aware that it got added to your website, and can go in and make any changes to it if necessary.

How item metadata is set

Each platform provides different metadata about your items. For example, some music platforms will provide us with a description of an album, and others won’t. On top of that, the same item may have different metadata on different platforms. So how do we decide what to use?

We use a first-come-first-served approach. When an item is found on one of your platforms that doesn’t yet exist in your inventory, we’ll create it with whatever metadata that platform has for it. If there’s still some missing metadata, like a description, then we’ll set that when that same item is found on a different platform that has it.

Additionally, some metadata, like album type, product type, video type, etc. is set by Supertape directly. For example, different music platforms have different criteria for determining album type (EP, Single, Compilation, etc.), so we’ve adopted our own. We always make our best guess at what type of item it is, given the metadata we have for it.

Fixing item metadata

We do our best to intelligently find and set the best metadata for everything in your inventory. Unfortunately, sometimes the metadata that gets set on an item won’t be what you want, or may be wrong entirely. In those cases, you can edit the item in your inventory, and whatever new values you set (or images you upload) will be used.

One thing to keep in mind is that the metadata we found was likely pulled directly from one of your connected platforms, so if something is wrong in Supertape, it’s likely wrong on that platform too, and you should fix both. We have details on how to make changes to a given platform in our Platforms area.

It’s also worth remembering that once an item is imported and all of its metadata is set, we won’t continue to update that item if its metadata on a platform is updated. We do this because you may have customized an item already on Supertape, and because different platforms could still have conflicting metadata.

How items are matched across platforms

When items are synced and imported into your inventory, we’ll first try to match it to an existing item we’ve already found on a different platform. Depending on the type of item it is (album, product, etc.) we’ll use different criteria to determine a match.

The most accurate way to ensure a match is if the item has what we call an “Industry ID”. For albums and products, this is a UPC, and for songs and videos this is an ISRC. This is why it’s so important to make sure these attributes are set properly on all of your platforms.

If an item doesn’t have an “Industry ID” set, we’ll do our best to match it to existing items in your inventory by how similar its name, release date, and other metadata are.

Changing what gets synced

Some platforms can sync multiple types of items. For example, Bandcamp can sync albums, products, and videos. If you’d only like some of those to get synced, you can edit your platform and uncheck the items you don’t want. If you uncheck all of them, you can still use the platform in a post or footer link.

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