Previewing, publishing, or discarding your design changes

Previewing your design

Supertape offers a few ways to preview your design changes behind-the-scenes, to make sure you’re happy with how they look and feel, before publishing them to the world.

  • Preview Window - Our simulated browser in the Design editor is the quickest way to preview your design and navigate around your site as you make changes.

  • Preview Device - Get a good idea of how your design changes will look in on different devices by toggling the Mobile / Desktop button in the top right of the Design editor.

  • Preview in Browser - Use the Preview button in the top left of the Design editor to open a full preview of your unpublished design changes in an actual browser.

Publishing your design

Once you’ve customized your design using any of the methods mentioned above, and previewed your changes to make sure you’re happy with everything, a Publishbutton will become enabled. When you’re ready, hit the button and your new template will be live to the world.

Discarding your design

Any time you’ve made some design changes the Discard Changes button will appear at the bottom of the Customize sidebar, and selecting it will reset your unpublished design to match your currently live site. You’re safe to experiment with all kinds of ideas.

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