Effective March 14, 2023

Supertape, LLC (“Supertape” or ”we”) takes your privacy seriously and we know you do too. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how we collect, process, and share Personal Data, your rights and choices, and other important information about how we handle your Personal Data.

Scope of This Policy

This Policy applies to your use of our ”Services,” which include the following:

  • Our website builder service and integrated software, APIs, and technology offered at supertape.com; and
  • Our corporate websites, social media pages, and other online services.

How to Contact Us

The controller of your Personal Data under this Policy is Supertape, LLC.

You may contact us at:

General Inquiries, Data Updates, and Regional Data Rights


Physical Address

Supertape, LLC
⁠Attn: Privacy
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 20104
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2027

Categories & Sources of Personal Data

The following describes how we process data relating to identified or identifiable individuals and households (“Personal Data”).

Categories of Personal Data We Process

The categories of Personal Data we process may include:

  • Audio/Visual Data - Recordings, videos, and images collected from your tracks, EPs, albums, music videos, and sound recordings, as well as related audio files and other audio/visual recordings linked to our Service.
  • Biographical Data - Data relating to historical performances, discography, artistic storytelling and achievements, and similar biographic information.
  • Contact Data - Identity Data we can use to contact you, such as email and physical addresses, phone numbers, social media, or communications platform usernames/handles.
  • Device / Network Data - Browsing history, search history, and information regarding your interaction with a website, application, or advertisement (e.g. IP Address, MAC Address, SSIDs, session navigation history and browsing metadata, and other data generated through applications and browsers, (e.g. device characteristics such as browser/OS version), logs, cookies, web beacons, clear gifs and the like.
  • General Location Data - Non-precise location data, e.g. location information derived from social media tags/posts, or in biographical information.
  • Identity Data - Information such as your name; address; email address; telephone number; gender; date of birth, age and/or age range; account login details, e.g. username and password, avatar, or other account handles/usernames.
  • Inference Data - Personal Data generated reflecting your preferences, characteristics, predispositions, behavior, demographics, likes, favorites, and other data or analytics.
  • Sensitive Personal - We may collect certain Personal Data deemed “sensitive” under applicable laws (usually defined to include social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number; account log-in and password, financial account, debit card, or credit card number; precise location data; racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, etc.) We collect the following categories of Sensitive Personal Data:
  • Payment Data - Information such as bank account details, payment card information, including similar data protected as Sensitive Data under applicable law, and relevant information in connection with a financial transaction.
  • Transaction Data - Information about the Services we provide to you and about transactions you make with us and similar information.
  • User Content - Unstructured/free-form data that may include any category of Personal Data, e.g. data that you give us in free text fields such as comment boxes.

Sources of Personal Data We Process

We collect Personal Data from various sources, which include:

  • Data you provide us - We receive Personal Data when you provide them to us, when you complete a transaction via our Services, or when you otherwise link or provide information through our Services.
  • Data we collect automatically - We collect Personal Data about or generated by any device used to access our Services, as well as via scans of the web of other sites that may contain Personal Data about you or your band.
  • Service providers - We receive Personal Data from service providers who transfer Personal Data to us when you use our Services, or when those service providers perform services on our behalf.
  • Promoters and event partners - We receive Personal Data from event promoters, producers, or other event partners if you utilize the event function on our Services and you or your band have upcoming tour dates on the calendar.
  • Social media and other content providers - We receive Personal Data from social media companies, and content providers when you use our website builder to generate your artist website and link to a social media page, or interact with that social media company or content provider on or in connection with our Services.
  • Data we create or infer - We, certain partners, social media companies, and third parties operating on our behalf, create and infer Personal Data such as Inference Data or Aggregate Data based on our observations or analysis of other Personal Data processed under this Policy, and we may correlate this data with other data we process about you.

Data Processing Contexts & Notice at Collection

Account Registration

We process Identity Data, Inferenc Data, and Contact Data when you register and create an account for our Services. We, through our third party payment processor, may process Transaction Data and Payment Data if you purchase a subscription or other premium services or associate Payment Data with your account.

We use Personal Data collected in this context to create and maintain your account, to provide the products and services you request, and for our Business Purposes. We may process Identity Data, Inference Data, and Contact Data for Marketing Communications. Payment Data is used only to process payments or store account information at your request. We do not sell or “share” Payment Data or process it for Business Purposes not permitted under applicable law.

We process Audio/Visual Data, Biographical Data, Contact Data, Device/Network Data, Identity Data, Inference Data, General Location Data, and User Content when you use our Services to create your artist website or link third party content or services to our Service or your page.

We process Personal Data collected in this context to help you build and personalize your artist website, to populate or update information on your page (e.g. tour dates or new music releases), and to provide the Services. We may collect this information automatically, and on an ongoing basis, unless you unlink or disable updates (to the extent possible through our Service). Please note that certain Personal Data originates from third party sites or services, and we may not have control over information on linked services. We also process this Personal Data for our Business Purposes.

Accessing and Using Our Service

We process Device/Network Data, Contact Data, Identity Data, General Location Data, and Inference Data when you access or use our Service.

We use Personal Data collected in this context as necessary to operate our Services, such as keeping you logged in, delivering pages, ensuring the security of our Service, to analyze the use of our Services, (e.g. navigation patterns, clicks, etc.) to help understand and make improvements to the Services, and for our other Business Purposes.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We process Identity Data, Device/Network Data, Contact Data, Inference Data, and General Location Data, in connection with our use of cookies and similar technologies on our Services.

We use cookies and similar technologies only for “essential,” “functional,” or “performance” purposes. For example, we use these technologies as necessary for our Services to operate (such as enabling core features like user maintenance, account management), to maintain shopping carts, for content delivery, and to understand how our Services perform, how users navigate our Services, and what features they use.

See the “Rights and Choices” section below for information regarding opt-out rights for cookies and similar technologies.


We and YouTube may process certain Audio/Visual Data, Identity Data, and Device/Network Data in connection with your use of the YouTube player on our Services.

We process this Personal Data as necessary to provide you with videos on our Service or on your artist page and for our Business Purposes. YouTube’s processing of data through YouTube is covered by the Google Privacy Policy.

Contact Us & Support

We collect and process Identity Data, Contact Data, and User Content when you contact us, e.g. through a contact us form, or for support.

We process this Personal Data to respond to your request, and communicate with you, as appropriate, and for our Business Purposes. If you consent or if permitted by law, we may use Identity Data and Contact Data to send you Marketing Communications.

Feedback and Surveys

We process Identity Data, Contact Data, Inference Data, and User Content collected in connection with user surveys or questionnaires.

We process this Personal Data as necessary to respond to user requests/concerns, analyze user satisfaction, and for our Business Purposes.

Marketing Communications

We process Device/Network Data, Contact Data, Identity Data, and Inference Data in connection with marketing emails or similar communications, and when you open or interact with those communications. You may receive marketing communications if you consent and, in some jurisdictions, as a result of Account Registration or if you contact us.

We process this Personal Data to contact you about relevant products or services and for our Business Purposes. Marketing communications may also be personalized as permitted by applicable law. See the “Rights and Choices” section to limit or opt out of this processing.

Processing Purposes

Business Purposes

We and our Service Providers process Personal Data we hold for numerous business purposes, depending on the context of collection, your rights and choices, and our legitimate interests. We generally process Personal Data for the following “Business Purposes.”

Service Delivery

We process Personal Data as necessary to provide our Services and the products and services you purchase or request. For example, we process Personal Data to authenticate users and their rights to access the Services, Events, or Venues, as otherwise necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you, provide you with the information, features, and services you request, and create relevant documentation.

Internal Processing and Service Improvement

We may use any Personal Data we process through our Services as necessary in connection with our legitimate interests in improving the design of our Service, understanding how our Services are used or function, for customer service purposes, for internal research, technical or feature development, to track service use, QA and debugging, audits, and similar purposes.

Security and Incident Detection

We may process Personal Data in connection with our legitimate interest in ensuring that our Services are secure, identify and prevent crime, prevent fraud, verify or authenticate users/individuals, and ensure user safety. Similarly, we process Personal Data on our Services as necessary to detect security incidents, protect against, and respond to malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity. We may analyze network traffic, device patterns, and characteristics, maintain and analyze logs, and process similar Personal Data in connection with our information security activities.


We process certain Personal Data as necessary in connection with our legitimate interest in personalizing our Services. For example, aspects of the Services may change so they are more relevant to you. We may personalize based on Inference Data and your current interactions with the Service, or obtain it from third parties, using Personal Data we hold about you. We may also personalize where permitted by law, e.g. by displaying your name and other appearance or display preferences, to display content that you have interacted with in the past, or to display content that we think may be of interest to you based on your interactions with our Services and other content.

Aggregated Data

We process Personal Data in order to identify trends, including to create aggregated and anonymized data about buying and spending habits, use of our Services, and other similar information (“Aggregated Data”). Aggregated Data that does not contain Personal Data is not subject to this Privacy Policy.

Compliance, Health, Safety, & Public Interest

We may also process Personal Data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, such as where you exercise your rights under data protection law, for the establishment and defense of legal claims, where we must comply with requests from government or law enforcement officials, and as may be required to meet national security or law enforcement requirements or prevent illegal activity. We may also process data to protect the vital interests of individuals, or on certain public interest grounds, each to the extent required or permitted under applicable law. Please see the “How We Share Personal Data” section for more information about how we disclose Personal Data in extraordinary circumstances.

Disclosure & Sharing of Personal Data

We may share Personal Data with the following categories of third-party recipients and/or for the following reasons:

  • Affiliates - We may share your Personal Data with our affiliate companies in order to streamline certain business operations, and in support of our Business Purposes.
  • Service Providers - We may share your Personal Data with service providers who provide certain services or process data on our behalf in connection with our general business operations, product/service fulfillment and improvements, to enable certain features, and in connection with our (or our Service Providers’) Business Purposes.
  • Public Disclosure - If you build a site on our Services, or otherwise link your Personal Data or other data on third party sites or services to our Services, we may redisplay or make public the content contained on those services (e.g. band bios, images, etc.) We may share, rebroadcast, or redisplay publicly through the Service any Personal Data that you post or link to your band page, or our Service.
  • Successors - We may share Personal Data if we go through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition, liquidation, or sale of all or a portion of our assets. For example, Personal Data may be part of the assets transferred or may be disclosed (subject to confidentiality restrictions) during the due diligence process for a potential transaction.
  • Lawful Recipients - In limited circumstances, we may, without notice or your consent, access and disclose your Personal Data, any communications sent or received by you, and any other information that we may have about you to the extent we believe such disclosure is legally required, to prevent or respond to a crime, to investigate violations of our Terms of Use, in the vital interests of us or any person (such as where we reasonably believe the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual or to public health or safety) or in such other circumstances as may be required or permitted by law. These disclosures may be made to governments that do not ensure the same degree of protection of your Personal Data as your home jurisdiction. We may, in our sole discretion (but without any obligation), object to the disclosure of your Personal Data to such parties.

International Transfers of Your Personal Data

If you are located outside the US, we may transfer or process your Personal Data in the US and other jurisdictions where Supertape or our service providers operate. Where required by local law, we ensure your data remains protected in connection with any international transfers.

Your Rights & Choices

You may have certain rights and choices regarding the Personal Data we process. Please note, these rights may vary based on the country or state where you reside, and our obligations under applicable law.

See the Regional Supplements section for more information regarding your rights/choices in California and certain other US States.

Your Rights

You may have certain rights and choices regarding the Personal Data we process. See the Regional Supplements section below for rights available to you in your jurisdiction. To submit a request, contact us using the information below. We verify your identity in connection with most requests, as described below.

Verification of Rights Requests

If you submit a request, we must verify your identity to confirm that you have the right to make that request, reduce fraud, and to ensure the security of Personal Data. If an agent is submitting the request on your behalf, we reserve the right to validate the agent’s authority to act on your behalf.

Your Choices

Marketing Communications

You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing communications by clicking on the unsubscribe link in an email (for email), by responding with “OPT-OUT,” STOP, or other supported unsubscribe message (for SMS), or for any other communications, by contacting us using the information below. To opt-out of the collection of information relating to email opens, configure your email so that it does not load images in our emails. /Opt-Out

You may withdraw any consent you have provided at any time. The consequence of you withdrawing consent might be that we cannot perform certain services for you, such as location-based services, personalizing or making relevant certain types of advertising, or other services conditioned on your consent or choice not to opt-out.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

  • General - If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, you can manage/deny cookies (and certain technologies) using your browser’s settings menu.
  • Do-Not-Track - Our Services do not respond to your browser’s do-not-track request.

Data Security

We implement and maintain commercially reasonable security measures to secure your Personal Data from unauthorized processing. While we endeavor to protect our Services and your Personal Data, unauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure; we cannot guarantee that any information, during transmission or while stored on our systems, will be absolutely safe from intrusion by others.


Our Services are neither directed at nor intended for use by persons under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect information from such individuals. If we learn that we have inadvertently done so, we will promptly delete such Personal Data if required by law. Do not access or use the Services if you are not of the age of majority in your jurisdiction unless you have the consent of your parent or guardian.

Data Retention

We retain Personal Data for so long as it is reasonably necessary to achieve the relevant processing purposes described in this Privacy Policy, or for so long as is required by law. What is necessary may vary depending on the context and purpose of processing. We generally consider the following factors when we determine how long to retain data (without limitation):

  • Retention periods established under applicable law;
  • Industry best practices;
  • Whether the purpose of processing is reasonably likely to justify further processing;
  • Risks to individual privacy in continued processing;
  • Applicable data protection impact assessments;
  • IT systems design considerations/limitations; and
  • The costs associated with continued processing, retention, and deletion.

We will review retention periods periodically and may pseudonymize or anonymize data held for longer periods.

Third Party Websites & Mobile Applications

Except for processing by our service providers (described above), this Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites, products, or services. Our Services aggregate, redisplay, and in some cases, link to Personal Data about you that is hosted by and on other content providers, sites, services, or social media platforms. In these cases, the terms, conditions, and privacy practices of the third party, not those of the Supertape, may govern the processing of your Personal Data, and we may have no control over the Personal Data collected. You may need to contact third parties to exercise your rights in Personal Data controlled by that third party.

Changes to Our Policy

We may change this Policy from time to time. We will post changes on this page. We will notify you of any material changes, if required, via email or notices on our Services. Your continued use of our Services constitutes your acknowledgment of any revised Policy.

Regional Supplements

US State and California Privacy Rights & Choices

Under California and other state privacy laws, residents of certain US states may have the following rights, subject to regional requirements, exceptions, and limitations.

  • Confirm - Right to confirm whether we process your Personal Data.
  • Access / Know - Right to request any of following: (1) the categories of Personal Data we have collected, sold/shared, or disclosed for a commercial purpose; (2) the categories of sources from which your Personal Data was collected; (3) the purposes for which we collected or sold/shared your Personal Data; (4) the categories of third parties to whom we have sold/shared your Personal Data, or disclosed it for a business purpose; and (5) the specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you.
  • Portability - Right to request that we provide certain Personal Data in a common, portable format.
  • Deletion - Right to delete certain Personal Data that we hold about you.
  • Correction - Right to correct certain Personal Data that we hold about you.
  • Non-Discrimination - California residents have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment as a result of your exercise of rights conferred by the CCPA.
  • List of Direct Marketers - California residents may request a list of Personal Data we have disclosed about you to third parties for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year.

Submission of Requests

You may submit requests as follows (please review our verification requirements section). If you have any questions or wish to appeal any refusal to take action in response to a rights request, contact us at hey@supertape.com.

We will respond to any request to appeal within the period required by law. To control data collection by Google/YouTube, visit the Google Security Settings Page.