Managing your team

Supertape makes it easy to invite your band members, managers, designers, booking agents, PR folks, or anyone else you’d like to help manage your site. Each person on your team has their own unique login and profile, so there’s no need to insecurely share the same login.

Types of members

There are two types of team members for your site: owner and member. Both can manage just about anything in the site, with a few exceptions.

Only owners can:

  • Invite people to the team

  • Remove people from the team

  • Manage billing information

  • Delete the site

When you create a new site, you automatically become that site’s owner, but you can transfer ownership to someone else on the team at any time.

Inviting a team member

  1. Visit Settings, scroll to the Team section, and select New.

  2. Enter the email of the person that you would like to add.

  3. Select Save.

Deleting an invite

  1. Visit Settings and scroll to the Team section.

  2. Select the three dots next to the invite and then Delete.

Removing a team member

  1. Visit Settings and scroll to the Team section.

  2. Select the three dots next to the person and then Remove.

Leaving a team

  1. Visit Settings and scroll to the Team section.

  2. Select the three dots next to your name and then Leave.

Owners can’t leave a team without first assigning a new owner.

Assigning a new owner

  1. Visit Settings and scroll to the Team section.

  2. Select the three dots next to the person and then Make owner.

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